The Loss....
March 31, 2016
Pictured: Sodalite Pendant
Totally Rocked...
The Murder of Dr. Han and his beautiful family
has left our community bereft.
Dr. Han has been a treasured
and integral part of life in Santa Barbara since I can remember.
I struggle to stay present with
(and not spiritually bypass)
the swirl of emotions that surface;
disbelief, grief, outrage, fear
and deep empathy for his close friends and patients...
Our safe little bubble of this vibrant community,
is shaken to its core and made acutely aware
that life is always just one breath away from death.
What do we choose to take away from this experience?
How will we choose to let these lives/deaths impact us?
I feel that the answer lies
in how we breathe through this time
and what we choose to believe.
Allowing the body to fully feel emotions...
yet being conscious of what the mind is believing.
questioning our thoughts.
The four questions are...
"Is it true?"
"can you absolutely know it is true?"
"How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?"
"Who would you be without the thought?"
A thought (among many)...
"Dr. Han should not have died like this."
Is that true?
Can I absolutely know it is true?
How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
I feel fear, disempowered, angry and vulnerable.
"Who would you be without the thought?"
One of many, grieving/missing a kind, brilliant and loving man.
Is the take away to add more security to our homes
or limit our trust of people?
are we re-inspired to spend every moment we can,
creating the life we want to live
and a world we want to live in?
Much depends on seeing the truth of our thoughts.
With so much love, the door is open.
Also in Musings
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August 08, 2019
Soothing the nervous system,
Opening the heart,
allowing for more spaciousness and awareness.
When I feel this green garnet on my skin
I there is a calming.
I notice the receiving of my breath.
I notice the beating of my heart...
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