Grace-full Bounty

November 20, 2014


"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - 

only that it meets us where we are 

but does not leave us where it found us."

-Anne Lamot
This morning....
 watching the morning sky, 
dark with stars and a sliver of moon, 
slowly easing into a wash of color and light, 
.....there is grace. 
The sunrise....
 a phenomenal daily occurrence
 that is so common and everyday,
 we forget that cosmically 
.... it is an absolute mind boggling miracle.
We are the receivers!
Recieving of natures unbounded generosity,
 every day, day after day,
year after year
an outrageous miraclous bounty. 
Notice this bounty. 
Receive this bounty.
It is a gift, just for you!
Let the noticing pierce through the veil of the "every day".
Allowing the space for the soul and the self to align....
and voila,
welcome home,
to a state of grace.
Love is here for you,
The door is open.


Also in Musings

🦄 The Magic of Unicorns 🦄
🦄 The Magic of Unicorns 🦄

August 27, 2019


Honduran Black Opal is rare and unusual.
A unicorn of the gem world.

This seemingly simple grey/black stone
 flashes a rainbow of color when the sun shines on its face
allowing you a window into its mysterious world...

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🌬Gem Silica Juiciness 🌬
🌬Gem Silica Juiciness 🌬

August 15, 2019


Gem Silica is a blue green and most rare variety of chalcedony...
A highly silicated form of chrysocolla.

This particular piece
came from high in the Andes of Peru
and it's color and quality are amazing...


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🍀 Grossular Garnet Goodness 🍀
🍀 Grossular Garnet Goodness 🍀

August 08, 2019


Soothing the nervous system,
Opening the heart,
allowing for more spaciousness and awareness.
When I feel this green garnet on my skin
I there is a calming.
I notice the receiving of my breath.
I notice the beating of my heart...

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