Life Transitions 💑
Spectrolite/ Labradorite
When I am carving Spectrolite I always hear the song
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna to let it shine"
especially the line
"Put it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna to let it shine"
Among so many other wonder-filled attributes
I love how Spectrolite reminds us that our Light
(which is much brighter than we think)
is of vital importance to the wholeness of All
As many of you may have heard by now, My honey Doug and I are un-coupling.
I felt it important to include you in this transition.
You all have been such an integral part of this amazing tribe for so many years,
and I trust that you will hold this transition with the good will and tenderness that being human requires.
Here is what we wrote to share…
Beloved family, friends and community,
After five and a half years and countless beautiful life moments, it is with much compassion for ourselves and all of you that Doug and I are announcing our uncoupling.
We engaged fully in this last year of engagement.
It kicked up a lot of emotional dust, brought clear awareness, and illuminated a deeper truth.
This partnership, like everything, has been a God thing. We share many of the same values and wounds and an insatiable drive for truth, growth and beauty. That intensity doubled under one roof has been a powerful container for awakening and maturity.
The original love and karma that joined us is flowing in a new direction. There is pain and grief in that, yes, but also an in-the-bones knowing that this is right, divinely orchestrated, and life-affirming and that we have done the “work” we came together to do. For that we are so so grateful.
And we are so grateful for you too--for your open ears and tender hearts in supporting us through this transition and helping us celebrate the gifts and goodness of all we've shared.
Doug will be moving off the ridge to find a place in town by November, and Maile will stay up on the ridge with Ruby.
Thank you dear ones for sharing this incredible journey of life.
Love is here.
Also in Musings

🦄 The Magic of Unicorns 🦄
Honduran Black Opal is rare and unusual.
A unicorn of the gem world.
This seemingly simple grey/black stone
flashes a rainbow of color when the sun shines on its face
allowing you a window into its mysterious world...

🌬Gem Silica Juiciness 🌬
Gem Silica is a blue green and most rare variety of chalcedony...A highly silicated form of chrysocolla.
This particular piece
came from high in the Andes of Peru
and it's color and quality are amazing...

🍀 Grossular Garnet Goodness 🍀
Soothing the nervous system,
Opening the heart,
allowing for more spaciousness and awareness.
When I feel this green garnet on my skin
I there is a calming.
I notice the receiving of my breath.
I notice the beating of my heart...