Now THIS is exciting...
How would you like....
to stay in a beautiful Tucson Villa...
with an incredible dolphin pod of sisters...
being expertly guided in your exploration with the mineral kingdom...
while attending
The Greatest Gem Show on Earth...
Sound like a dream come true?
We are actively working to make that dream come true!!!
Crystal meditations, circling, healthy food,
the beautiful Sonoran desert, small group of incredible women and
The Greatest Gem Show on Earth!
For those of you who have already expressed interest
your names are on the list!
We are wanting to cast the net wide
to get a feel for how many would love to come
so we can plan for the future.
So please respond to this email if you want to be part of a pod!
The retreat tours will each be 5-7days long
a maximum of 8 women per pod
all between January 28th and February 11th
Once we have worked out a few more logistics
we will be able to give more information about cost.
So excited to have the opportunity to share this with you,
and hoping we can pull this off!
Also in Musings

🦄 The Magic of Unicorns 🦄
Honduran Black Opal is rare and unusual.
A unicorn of the gem world.
This seemingly simple grey/black stone
flashes a rainbow of color when the sun shines on its face
allowing you a window into its mysterious world...

🌬Gem Silica Juiciness 🌬
Gem Silica is a blue green and most rare variety of chalcedony...A highly silicated form of chrysocolla.
This particular piece
came from high in the Andes of Peru
and it's color and quality are amazing...

🍀 Grossular Garnet Goodness 🍀
Soothing the nervous system,
Opening the heart,
allowing for more spaciousness and awareness.
When I feel this green garnet on my skin
I there is a calming.
I notice the receiving of my breath.
I notice the beating of my heart...