Courageous Creativity
Some days have their own agenda
so what you planned on just doesn't quite happen...
Know what I mean?...
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Aligning with Kyanite
~Stone Story~
"I am with you.
Not the masks and personas that you wear.
That which notices you noticing.
Bring all your light back to yourself.
Remove the reference points for who you BE,
off of the people, places, and things of this world...
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Flowing with Blue Jade
Blue Jade
~ Stone Story~
I am steady, calm, deep strength,
like that of a large river.
Soothing, Peaceful and serene to sit near...
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Abundance as Birthright
~ Stone Story ~
I have been called the stone of prosperity.
The merchant stone.
The money stone.
All, just a wink of understanding...
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Ancient Helper...
~ Stone Story ~
I am the oldest of the stones working with humanity.
I was formed from the fire of the volcano in remote Nuuk area of Greenland,
some 3 billion years ago.
For time immemorial I have been waiting for this time...
The time for you to awaken to the truth of who you are...
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Behind the Veil...
~ Stone Story, Smokey Quartz~
When I stand with you,
when I feel the clear, concise power of your presence,
Truth is glimpsed.
I am not this body,
The world is not what it seems...
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Shining Light on the Heart
Kunzite holds the heart in her hands and
with her presence,
shines the light on all the wounded, atrophied, defended parts...
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How are your waves?
Ahhh.... sweet soul-song moonstone,
You help us surf the varying waves of this emotional body.
Sometimes knee-high rollers to the beach;
Sometimes over-head reef-break barrels...
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Sumptuous Sugilite
~ Stone Story ~
When I can stay present to the perspective you afford me,
the ego gives way to a far more powerful force.
The force of "All That Is" that courses through this body.
Just a moment's perspective...
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Rainbow Obsidian Wonder
~ Stone Story ~
Peering into our depths,
a cosmic mirror reflecting our own multiverse of rainbow light.
Each one of us has so much to share,
such unique gifts to give...
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The Orgasm Stone...
~ Stone Story ~
The only word I can find
to kind of describe how you feel to me is
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